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Conserving & Recycling

We Believe in Being Responsible Stewards of Our Natural Resources

Each of our major operations has an environmental scorecard to measure compliance, sustainability efforts and associate involvement. The scorecard drives continuous improvement, with facility and company goals for water reduction, recycling, energy conservation and CO2 emissions.

Our renewable energy efforts include:

  • Two solar panel installations that reduce carbon emissions by 3,000 tons per year
  • A biomass boiler that burns soybean stalks, pods and woodchips, providing steam for soybean processing while generating electricity back to the grid, reducing CO2 output by 18,000 tons each year
  • In Cromwell, Ky., an innovative system that captures methane from a wastewater pond to fuel a generator and uses heat from the generator to provide hot water, cutting CO2 output by approximately 100,000 tons annually


Water reuse:

  • Downstream reuse in our harvest plants recycles water for non-food-contact use and reduces the volume going to wastewater treatment
  • Recirculating cooling towers in Perdue AgriBusiness significantly reduce the amount of water used for soy processing



Perdue Stewardship Updates

National Audubon Society And Panorama Organic Grass-Fed Meats Announced The Largest U.S. Market-Based Regenerative Grasslands Partnership

In honor of Earth Day in April 2021, Panorama Organic Grass-Fed Meats and the National Audubon Society’s Conservation Ranching Program announced the largest market-based regenerative agriculture partnership in the U.S.

With almost a million acres under organic management, Panorama Organic’s network of ranchers is committed to creating and restoring wildlife habitat that will allow endangered grassland species to thrive once again. By employing science-based protocols and metrics along with individualized habitat management plans to measure progress, Panorama Organic and The Audubon Society will demonstrate that grazing cattle are beneficial to America’s grasslands and are integral as part of a climate-health solution.

Cornucopia Institute Awards Panorama Organic Grass-Fed Meats Rare 5 Steak Rating
The Cornucopia Institute, a non-profit educational organization that supports organic agriculture, awarded Panorama Organic Grass-Fed Meats their rare 5-Steak rating for our humane organic practices in 2021. They also featured one of our ranches on their website.

With 100 percent transparency and an overwhelming commitment to land stewardship and animal welfare, Panorama Organic Grass-Fed Meats ranked in the top 20 of the renowned Cornucopia Institute’s Organic Beef Scorecard with a rating of 950 out of 1100 possible points. Panorama Organic, the nation’s largest producer of 100 percent grass-fed, grass-finished certified organic beef, received 100 points for feed sourcing, beef-finishing, commitment to organics and an “excellent” for transparency.

“This important recognition provides trust for our grocery and restaurant partners, an additional sense of pride for our ranchers and commitment to the consumers who buy this product,” Panorama Organic General Manager Kay Cornelius. “There is a lack of transparency in the industry when cattle born and raised in another country can enter the U.S. and be stamped as ‘Product of the USA’. That is why we are especially proud to be recognized for our sustainable and organic certifications and practices in a way that supports our ranchers revitalizing nearly a million acres of U.S. grasslands.” Panorama Organic is Born and Raised in the USA™ certified.

Analysis Reveals Niman Ranch Leadership On Sustainable And Regenerative Practices

Niman Ranch farms are successfully implementing regenerative practices that build healthy soil, support biodiversity, sequester carbon and reduce runoff, a new independent analysis revealed. The analysis conducted by the Sustainable Food Lab used comprehensive surveys, in-depth qualitative interviews and data analysis of hundreds of Niman Ranch farmers.

The analysis also showed that the company’s model helps spur use of sustainable techniques and approaches including broad adoption of no-till and crop rotation and managing pollinator habitats. Additionally, Niman Ranch farms are using more cover crops than other farms in their area – ten times more than the regional average.

“What we found is a farmer network that already leads in many aspects of regenerative agriculture,” shared Elizabeth Reaves, Senior Program Director at the Sustainable Food Lab. Reaves continued, “One key difference that stood out in our conversations was the premium pay and stability the program provides farmers, creating a different risk management strategy. Without financial sustainability, it is unlikely that farmers will experiment with new sustainable practices.”

Niman Ranch Recognizes Gibralter Farms As Sustainable Farm Of The Year

Niman Ranch recognized the Gilbert family of Iowa Falls, Iowa as their 2021 Sustainable Farm of the Year. Involved in the farm are John and Beverly; their son John and his wife Sarah; brother Greg and his wife Barb; and daughter Kate.

Established in 1899 and today operating as Gibralter Farms, the Gilberts raise antibiotic-free, pasture-farrowed pigs, milk Brown Swiss dairy cattle and grow an array of crops and forage. The Gilbert family incorporate numerous sustainable farming practices including crop rotation, no- and ridge-till, riparian buffers, rotational grazing, conservation land and terracing. Their family farm sits along Southfork, a tributary of the Iowa River, and they strive to ensure their farm has positive benefits for water quality through their regenerative practices.



Our operations recycle metal, paper, plastic and packaging material.


Platinum LEEDership

Our corporate office in Salisbury, Md., is certified LEED Platinum, the Green Building Council's highest certification.

Company Stewardship Report

Learn about the steps we're taking to reach our goal of becoming the most trusted name in food and agricultural products.